Thank You for Visiting-Namaste

This is, more or less, a blog made for myself. I do not mind if you come, and comments are always welcome. Comments are not necessarily my view of things, and should not be considered, just because I choose to leave them, to be part of my belief system.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

You Deserve Love


This is so deep that at first I just brushed over it, and was ready to move on. Then it hit me like a truck. It is like what do you think you deserve? Then on another level is abusive love what you deserve? Then I thought, well is it self love that defines the type of love that we believe we deserve. These are all aspects of this, but at the root self love is the one that will change your definition of  the love you think we deserve. So it is self love I will work on, and fold in God's love for me as a power boost. I am a son/daughter of God, and I deserve love and miracles from my source of being. I am that I am.

When we think that we are bad, or guilty of something we find self love to be difficult or impossible. The truth is that God, your source of being has already forgiven you. It is your own lack of atonement and forgiveness that keeps you wallowing in misery. There is nothing so bad, that he will not forgive for if you ask it of him. You are love, and God loves you as much as he loves all of his creations. You are perfect in your being, all you need to do is look deep inside to that still quiet spot that is your perfect connection to your source God or whatever you call it.  Feel that flow of peace that surpasses understanding. Let it fill you with the love and light of God Source.

Be forgiven and blessed.
I see the source light in you, and recognize you as part of me.

I am that I am