Thank You for Visiting-Namaste

This is, more or less, a blog made for myself. I do not mind if you come, and comments are always welcome. Comments are not necessarily my view of things, and should not be considered, just because I choose to leave them, to be part of my belief system.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I was struggling with some brain-roof chatter, that was telling me that I had no self-control.  Of course, this resulted in "NO SELF-CONTROL".  This post is about reclaiming my control of my thoughts. 

This is a funny thing this one.  It just sneeked in when I wasn't looking.  I really don't understand how I let it get control so quickly; so this is my way of shutting the door on the "father of lies" which is my ego mind.

When I notice that stupid script, "I just can't control the urge to eat the world" my mind jumped to something that Byron Kady wrote in her book "Loving What Is."  She has a process called "The Work"  It is comprised of four questions and a turn-around.  One of the questions is "Is that TRUE?"  This one usually is where I get my smack in the face.  Of course, it isn't true that I don't have self-control.  I might not choose to exercise it, but it is there.  I know this because I have used it more than once.  I haven't run amok anywhere.

The process that I will be using to regain the field is:

  1. Make this post.
  2. Apply Byron Kady's "The Work" technique to this situation.
  3. Meditate with "Control" as the focus.
  4. I will add this to my "Morning Litany"
    • I am perfect control
  5. During meditation I will focus attention on the prefrontal cortex of my brain to stimulate it
This should quash the uncontrolled behavior, and allow me to exercise control of my ego mind.  I have also used some techniques to stimulate my prefrontal cortex of my brain which is where the "Self Control" portion of your brain is located.  I suspect that it was lollygaging along on neutral for too long.  Time to wake that thing up now.  The method that I use here is to concentrate my mind of the Prefrontal Cortex until I can feel a tingling in that area.  Then I continue to bombard it with the simple word "control" until I know worked. I can feel the sensation in my head when the stimulation work; it's like a tingling in the front of my brain.  I will practice this exercise whenever I find time during the day; for example while sitting in traffic, waiting in line, taking a break from the computer; or just looking away from the computer to rest my eyes; even when stirring the dinner pot. 

I don't want you to get the idea that this is a hard or lengthy process.  The mere act of this post has pretty much fixed this silly issue.  The meditations are brief, and performed several times a day, but especially in the morning when rising; which sets the tone for the day.

I am health
I am perfect control
I have a perfect brain
I am love
I am abundance
I am that I am.
