Thank You for Visiting-Namaste

This is, more or less, a blog made for myself. I do not mind if you come, and comments are always welcome. Comments are not necessarily my view of things, and should not be considered, just because I choose to leave them, to be part of my belief system.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

You Deserve Love


This is so deep that at first I just brushed over it, and was ready to move on. Then it hit me like a truck. It is like what do you think you deserve? Then on another level is abusive love what you deserve? Then I thought, well is it self love that defines the type of love that we believe we deserve. These are all aspects of this, but at the root self love is the one that will change your definition of  the love you think we deserve. So it is self love I will work on, and fold in God's love for me as a power boost. I am a son/daughter of God, and I deserve love and miracles from my source of being. I am that I am.

When we think that we are bad, or guilty of something we find self love to be difficult or impossible. The truth is that God, your source of being has already forgiven you. It is your own lack of atonement and forgiveness that keeps you wallowing in misery. There is nothing so bad, that he will not forgive for if you ask it of him. You are love, and God loves you as much as he loves all of his creations. You are perfect in your being, all you need to do is look deep inside to that still quiet spot that is your perfect connection to your source God or whatever you call it.  Feel that flow of peace that surpasses understanding. Let it fill you with the love and light of God Source.

Be forgiven and blessed.
I see the source light in you, and recognize you as part of me.

I am that I am

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Who Do YOU THINK You Are?

Sounds confusing doesn't it? The fact is that we can be anything that we think we are. If you think you are an architect, that is what you are. If you think you are a moron, then surely you must be. Where your thinking goes, so do your actions, word, and behavior. What if you practiced thinking of yourself in another way? If you think you're a moron, why not think of yourself as a self-assured, educated person. If you think you are a loser, or unlovable, or ugly, why not try thinking of yourself as a lovable, beautiful winner. Even if only briefly each day turn your thoughts to yourself as a lovable, beautiful winner.  The more often you practice this, the sooner you will arrive at the realization that you are a lovable, beautiful winner. Regardless of what you want to be, all you need do is place your thoughts on that, letting the negative thought just pass on by rather that grasping onto it. I always think of this as just leaning back and watching it pass by. While concentrating on the positive aspect I am manifesting.

You will become what you think you are. Say out loud what you want to be, but use the invoking creation statement "I am" prior to saying the state you wish to be in. For example I am a lovable, beautiful winner. You can create a litany of I AM for a practice:

I AM love
I AM beauty
I AM a winner

As Joel Olsteen wrote: "The words that follow 'I AM' will surely come looking for you." So if you wake up in the morning and say, "I am tired" so shall you be. If you say, "I am energized." So will that be manifest for you. It's your choice. Change your thoughts, change your life. I'm thinking.

This litany can consist of anything that you wish to manifest. Use your thoughts to manifest what you wish to become.

I AM that I AM

I AM serenity
I AM wisdom
I AM a daughter of God
I AM Creation

Stay positive.

Monday, January 28, 2013

You Change the World-It's All Perspective

I was wondering around the Pinterest Board today and ran into a quote that brought me up short.  It stated "I can't change the world, but I can change the World in me."  I suggest that this is a limiting kind of statement.  It is coming from the perspective that you can't do anything about the world, but at least I can fix myself.

I'd like to show you just how much power you really have.  You are the world in one person.  Everything that the world is, you are.  How powerful do you feel now?  When you change, the world changes.  It is as simple as that.  If you want the world to change, simply change yourself, and the world changes with you.

If you change your focus to happy things, the world changes its focus.  If you change you mind to happy thoughts, you are bombarded with a happy world.  You are the creator of the world. What you put out into the world is what comes back to you.

The reality is that we change the world vibration by how we are vibrating.  The more we raise our vibration in the direction of the source of this world, the higher the world energy will vibrate due to our work.  From this perspective any improvement that we make is an improvement in the world vibration.  It can't be any other way.

Change the world!  Be happy, have happy thoughts.  When bad things happen to others, this does not mean that it is happening to you.  You will influence all who are around you, and thus raise their vibration.  It is contagious, and it will spread like a virus.  Make the world a happy place by simply choosing to be happy yourself. After all it is all perspective.

I am the world
I am happiness
I am the change I want to see in this world.
I am that I am
I am all powerful

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I was struggling with some brain-roof chatter, that was telling me that I had no self-control.  Of course, this resulted in "NO SELF-CONTROL".  This post is about reclaiming my control of my thoughts. 

This is a funny thing this one.  It just sneeked in when I wasn't looking.  I really don't understand how I let it get control so quickly; so this is my way of shutting the door on the "father of lies" which is my ego mind.

When I notice that stupid script, "I just can't control the urge to eat the world" my mind jumped to something that Byron Kady wrote in her book "Loving What Is."  She has a process called "The Work"  It is comprised of four questions and a turn-around.  One of the questions is "Is that TRUE?"  This one usually is where I get my smack in the face.  Of course, it isn't true that I don't have self-control.  I might not choose to exercise it, but it is there.  I know this because I have used it more than once.  I haven't run amok anywhere.

The process that I will be using to regain the field is:

  1. Make this post.
  2. Apply Byron Kady's "The Work" technique to this situation.
  3. Meditate with "Control" as the focus.
  4. I will add this to my "Morning Litany"
    • I am perfect control
  5. During meditation I will focus attention on the prefrontal cortex of my brain to stimulate it
This should quash the uncontrolled behavior, and allow me to exercise control of my ego mind.  I have also used some techniques to stimulate my prefrontal cortex of my brain which is where the "Self Control" portion of your brain is located.  I suspect that it was lollygaging along on neutral for too long.  Time to wake that thing up now.  The method that I use here is to concentrate my mind of the Prefrontal Cortex until I can feel a tingling in that area.  Then I continue to bombard it with the simple word "control" until I know worked. I can feel the sensation in my head when the stimulation work; it's like a tingling in the front of my brain.  I will practice this exercise whenever I find time during the day; for example while sitting in traffic, waiting in line, taking a break from the computer; or just looking away from the computer to rest my eyes; even when stirring the dinner pot. 

I don't want you to get the idea that this is a hard or lengthy process.  The mere act of this post has pretty much fixed this silly issue.  The meditations are brief, and performed several times a day, but especially in the morning when rising; which sets the tone for the day.

I am health
I am perfect control
I have a perfect brain
I am love
I am abundance
I am that I am.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Let It Pass Through

Let It Pass Through

It’s never about what someone says that causes the angst,
It’s what we think about what they have said.

What they said are just words,
but our mind/ego expands those words
and give them meaning in context with
my beliefs about the situation.

When you feel your ego rise up to meet a situation with hurt, anger, guilt or other negative emotion, it is time to stop, take a deep breath, step back to let it pass and look at what is happening.  What really is going on there?  Why am I having this reaction to these words?  You can either respond with anger, hurt or blame or you can let those negative emotions pass through you.  When you let them pass through, you will be better able to handle whatever problems are actually there.  As soon as you feel those negative emotions rise up, you have the right to step behind them and give them room to pass.  Just observe them passing by you; there is no need to analyze them or even try to figure out why you reacted.

When you give these emotions the attention required to analyze and/or understand them, they have the opportunity to stimulate the ego even further.  This is counterproductive to the process of letting the ego induced reaction pass and dissipate.  Just lean back, and let it pass.

Sometimes, you may find yourself fully engaged in the insanity when the seer finally gets a word in edgewise.  When this happens, you may find yourself unable to stop the process, but your seer can observe the process.  There are lessons to be learned by merely observing the process as it unfolds.  When the response has run its course, just let the negative energy dissipate.  I generally try putting my feet on the floor and imagine it being sucked out the bottom of my feet by the earth.  I then take the time to suck up a full dose of clean earth energy to replace the negative stuff that I’ve just let go.  The Earth has the ability to clean up pollution, so it is better equipped to handle that crap than we are.

This takes practice, patience and grace.  Meditation is a good way to help get the control of your mind.  Don't fret if you lose consciousness, the bright side is that you now recognize that you have done so.  Soon you will be able to stop, take a breath, lean back and get that look at the situation that allows you to see why you are having a negative reaction.  You may not be able to remain conscious through the whole process, but you will soon be able to stay conscious more often.  You will be able to stay conscious most of the time, and recover quickly when you do lose consciousness and allow ego to run wild.

I AM Consiousness
I AM Present
I AM that I AM


Stress and Tension Free

"You truly can reach a state in which you never have any more stress, tension, or problems for the rest of your life. You just have to realize that life is giving you a gift, and that gift is the flow of events that takes place between your birth and your death. These events are exciting, challenging, and create tremendous growth. To comfortably handle this flow of life, your heart and mind must be open and expansive enough to encompass reality. The only reason they’re not is because you resist. Learn to stop resisting reality, and what used to look like stressful problems will begin to look like the stepping-stones of your spiritual journey."

Singer, Michael (2007-10-03). The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself (p. 156). New Harbinger Publications, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

I know that I have this particular picture on this site already.  It is such a big influence on my life at the moment that it might pop up again later.  The truth is, that of all the books on spiritual growth that I have read, this one has done more to move me along than all the rest combined.  I know this is not going to be the case for everyone, as I think it all depends on where you are in your growth that determines the impact of a teaching on your life.

This book hit me at a time when I had great need of it.  I have been struggling with some stuff that entered my life and has set me on a path of trying to understand what happened.  I was able to let the majority of the crap go, but just was fighting and struggling with what is, and in the words of Byron Katie, "When you struggle with what is you suffer."  That was exactly where I was.  I did "The Work", and got myself into a place where I was content with what is.  I rearranged my thinking, and rose to a much higher level of "Enlightenment."  I was content most of the time.

This book just gave me the tools to deal with those situations that cause the daily stresses and tensions of the day.  How to recognize when something was causing me stress, and how to deal with it to assure the best outcome for all considered.

Relax and let go of the resistance.  Let it move past without settling in.  Don't analyze it, or give it any thought other than release.  When we spend time thinking about it even in analysis of it, we give it life. I will even find myself sitting or stepping back in these situations.  I apparently needs some physical action to accomplish a wholly mental action.  Whatever it takes, I let it just pass right before me without grabbing hold of any of the sticky parts.  Once you accomplish this, you are free to deal with what is "REALLY" there.  Many times I have realized that the only problem that had existed was my reaction to what was said or done.  There was nothing left to deal with once I let it pass.  Sometimes there is something there, but it is easier to deal with once my ego reaction was gone.

Stay in the now, stay real, and let the crap pass without letting it take residence in your mind.  Deal with what is really there once you have let the reaction pass.  The more you do this now, the less often you will need to do it along your path as it will become second nature to let the crap pass.

I am calmness
I am peace
I am health
I am wellness
I am that I am


Monday, September 24, 2012

See with the Eye of God

First of all this is not a religious statement.  I use God here as the creative force behind the universe.  I believe that we are all a part or chip of this creative force.  I have exercised my creative force with great success more than once, both with malice of forethought and with thoughtless worry.  Both methods are equally successful, but the first one results in my hearts desire, while the second one results in more of what I don't want or need.

I have always heard the quote with goes something like this, "The only reason that some things do not exist is because no one has imagined them."  For the life of me I cannot remember who said it, and if you know please comment with the author.  I have always believed that, but didn't have a clue that it could be used to create your desires.  I never thought of my imagination as a tool; my key to the creative force in the universe.

This concept is easy to see in reverse.  My life was a mess for years.  I worried, I ranted and I was always in a negative space.  Of course, that is how my life unfolded for me.  Now the upshot of all that is, my life is very different from that time, but what has really changed is my attitude.  However, good things keep rolling into my life, because I draw that with my attitude.  When I want something big, I employ my imagination to bring that into my existence.  Imagination and attitude are my tools of choice for creating my world rather than ranting and raving.  Gratitude and prayer are how I thank the creator for the opportunity to create what I desire.

The world is my oyster.  All I need to do is crack it open with my imagination and it pours forth my desires.  The bible is loaded with verses about God pouring forth the riches of the universe; it is fun to go looking for them.  Give Bible Gateway a try on that one.

I AM a Creator
I AM Abundance
I AM Grace
I AM that I AM
