Thank You for Visiting-Namaste

This is, more or less, a blog made for myself. I do not mind if you come, and comments are always welcome. Comments are not necessarily my view of things, and should not be considered, just because I choose to leave them, to be part of my belief system.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I was struggling with some brain-roof chatter, that was telling me that I had no self-control.  Of course, this resulted in "NO SELF-CONTROL".  This post is about reclaiming my control of my thoughts. 

This is a funny thing this one.  It just sneeked in when I wasn't looking.  I really don't understand how I let it get control so quickly; so this is my way of shutting the door on the "father of lies" which is my ego mind.

When I notice that stupid script, "I just can't control the urge to eat the world" my mind jumped to something that Byron Kady wrote in her book "Loving What Is."  She has a process called "The Work"  It is comprised of four questions and a turn-around.  One of the questions is "Is that TRUE?"  This one usually is where I get my smack in the face.  Of course, it isn't true that I don't have self-control.  I might not choose to exercise it, but it is there.  I know this because I have used it more than once.  I haven't run amok anywhere.

The process that I will be using to regain the field is:

  1. Make this post.
  2. Apply Byron Kady's "The Work" technique to this situation.
  3. Meditate with "Control" as the focus.
  4. I will add this to my "Morning Litany"
    • I am perfect control
  5. During meditation I will focus attention on the prefrontal cortex of my brain to stimulate it
This should quash the uncontrolled behavior, and allow me to exercise control of my ego mind.  I have also used some techniques to stimulate my prefrontal cortex of my brain which is where the "Self Control" portion of your brain is located.  I suspect that it was lollygaging along on neutral for too long.  Time to wake that thing up now.  The method that I use here is to concentrate my mind of the Prefrontal Cortex until I can feel a tingling in that area.  Then I continue to bombard it with the simple word "control" until I know worked. I can feel the sensation in my head when the stimulation work; it's like a tingling in the front of my brain.  I will practice this exercise whenever I find time during the day; for example while sitting in traffic, waiting in line, taking a break from the computer; or just looking away from the computer to rest my eyes; even when stirring the dinner pot. 

I don't want you to get the idea that this is a hard or lengthy process.  The mere act of this post has pretty much fixed this silly issue.  The meditations are brief, and performed several times a day, but especially in the morning when rising; which sets the tone for the day.

I am health
I am perfect control
I have a perfect brain
I am love
I am abundance
I am that I am.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Let It Pass Through

Let It Pass Through

It’s never about what someone says that causes the angst,
It’s what we think about what they have said.

What they said are just words,
but our mind/ego expands those words
and give them meaning in context with
my beliefs about the situation.

When you feel your ego rise up to meet a situation with hurt, anger, guilt or other negative emotion, it is time to stop, take a deep breath, step back to let it pass and look at what is happening.  What really is going on there?  Why am I having this reaction to these words?  You can either respond with anger, hurt or blame or you can let those negative emotions pass through you.  When you let them pass through, you will be better able to handle whatever problems are actually there.  As soon as you feel those negative emotions rise up, you have the right to step behind them and give them room to pass.  Just observe them passing by you; there is no need to analyze them or even try to figure out why you reacted.

When you give these emotions the attention required to analyze and/or understand them, they have the opportunity to stimulate the ego even further.  This is counterproductive to the process of letting the ego induced reaction pass and dissipate.  Just lean back, and let it pass.

Sometimes, you may find yourself fully engaged in the insanity when the seer finally gets a word in edgewise.  When this happens, you may find yourself unable to stop the process, but your seer can observe the process.  There are lessons to be learned by merely observing the process as it unfolds.  When the response has run its course, just let the negative energy dissipate.  I generally try putting my feet on the floor and imagine it being sucked out the bottom of my feet by the earth.  I then take the time to suck up a full dose of clean earth energy to replace the negative stuff that I’ve just let go.  The Earth has the ability to clean up pollution, so it is better equipped to handle that crap than we are.

This takes practice, patience and grace.  Meditation is a good way to help get the control of your mind.  Don't fret if you lose consciousness, the bright side is that you now recognize that you have done so.  Soon you will be able to stop, take a breath, lean back and get that look at the situation that allows you to see why you are having a negative reaction.  You may not be able to remain conscious through the whole process, but you will soon be able to stay conscious more often.  You will be able to stay conscious most of the time, and recover quickly when you do lose consciousness and allow ego to run wild.

I AM Consiousness
I AM Present
I AM that I AM


Stress and Tension Free

"You truly can reach a state in which you never have any more stress, tension, or problems for the rest of your life. You just have to realize that life is giving you a gift, and that gift is the flow of events that takes place between your birth and your death. These events are exciting, challenging, and create tremendous growth. To comfortably handle this flow of life, your heart and mind must be open and expansive enough to encompass reality. The only reason they’re not is because you resist. Learn to stop resisting reality, and what used to look like stressful problems will begin to look like the stepping-stones of your spiritual journey."

Singer, Michael (2007-10-03). The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself (p. 156). New Harbinger Publications, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

I know that I have this particular picture on this site already.  It is such a big influence on my life at the moment that it might pop up again later.  The truth is, that of all the books on spiritual growth that I have read, this one has done more to move me along than all the rest combined.  I know this is not going to be the case for everyone, as I think it all depends on where you are in your growth that determines the impact of a teaching on your life.

This book hit me at a time when I had great need of it.  I have been struggling with some stuff that entered my life and has set me on a path of trying to understand what happened.  I was able to let the majority of the crap go, but just was fighting and struggling with what is, and in the words of Byron Katie, "When you struggle with what is you suffer."  That was exactly where I was.  I did "The Work", and got myself into a place where I was content with what is.  I rearranged my thinking, and rose to a much higher level of "Enlightenment."  I was content most of the time.

This book just gave me the tools to deal with those situations that cause the daily stresses and tensions of the day.  How to recognize when something was causing me stress, and how to deal with it to assure the best outcome for all considered.

Relax and let go of the resistance.  Let it move past without settling in.  Don't analyze it, or give it any thought other than release.  When we spend time thinking about it even in analysis of it, we give it life. I will even find myself sitting or stepping back in these situations.  I apparently needs some physical action to accomplish a wholly mental action.  Whatever it takes, I let it just pass right before me without grabbing hold of any of the sticky parts.  Once you accomplish this, you are free to deal with what is "REALLY" there.  Many times I have realized that the only problem that had existed was my reaction to what was said or done.  There was nothing left to deal with once I let it pass.  Sometimes there is something there, but it is easier to deal with once my ego reaction was gone.

Stay in the now, stay real, and let the crap pass without letting it take residence in your mind.  Deal with what is really there once you have let the reaction pass.  The more you do this now, the less often you will need to do it along your path as it will become second nature to let the crap pass.

I am calmness
I am peace
I am health
I am wellness
I am that I am


Monday, September 24, 2012

See with the Eye of God

First of all this is not a religious statement.  I use God here as the creative force behind the universe.  I believe that we are all a part or chip of this creative force.  I have exercised my creative force with great success more than once, both with malice of forethought and with thoughtless worry.  Both methods are equally successful, but the first one results in my hearts desire, while the second one results in more of what I don't want or need.

I have always heard the quote with goes something like this, "The only reason that some things do not exist is because no one has imagined them."  For the life of me I cannot remember who said it, and if you know please comment with the author.  I have always believed that, but didn't have a clue that it could be used to create your desires.  I never thought of my imagination as a tool; my key to the creative force in the universe.

This concept is easy to see in reverse.  My life was a mess for years.  I worried, I ranted and I was always in a negative space.  Of course, that is how my life unfolded for me.  Now the upshot of all that is, my life is very different from that time, but what has really changed is my attitude.  However, good things keep rolling into my life, because I draw that with my attitude.  When I want something big, I employ my imagination to bring that into my existence.  Imagination and attitude are my tools of choice for creating my world rather than ranting and raving.  Gratitude and prayer are how I thank the creator for the opportunity to create what I desire.

The world is my oyster.  All I need to do is crack it open with my imagination and it pours forth my desires.  The bible is loaded with verses about God pouring forth the riches of the universe; it is fun to go looking for them.  Give Bible Gateway a try on that one.

I AM a Creator
I AM Abundance
I AM Grace
I AM that I AM


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Assume the State

This one was not easy for me to understand at first.  Assuming the spirit of the wish fulfilled was not something that came easy.  It took lots of practice and meditation for me to assume a state that was not quite in alignment with what my ego was trying to tell me I should feel.  It took learning an practice before it became easy.  Now I can actually think of something and the state is assumed, and as long as the assumption is in align with my beliefs it is manifested.

Practice, meditation and belief that I am the creator is what is needed to begin to manifest our wishes.  What you put your mind on, and assume the state is what will manifest for good or bad.  I used to find it easier to assume a state of disaster when something would flit accross my mind.  The state of the wish fulfilled took practice, and belief that it is as easy to assume the state of the wishes fulfilled, as it was easy to assume the state of disaster.  I needed to get my ego (edging God out) behind me to do that.  I always thing of the bible verse that goes, "Get thee behind me satan."  I believe that our ego needs to be put behind us, just like Jesus said to the devil.  In my life, my ego has played the devil more than once, and it is possible that my ego has always been the cause of my darkest times.

I AM Creation
I AM that I AM

Monday, August 13, 2012

Remember Who You Really Are!

Whoa, invoking the power of the two most powerful words of creation; I AM is like saying give me more of this.  I found this posted on Pinterest today, and was so startled to see it that I just have give myself a place to reflect on it.  You aren't your mistakes, you aren't the hurt, you aren't the flaws.  You are the son/daughter of God, in whose hands the words I AM have the power of creation.  Be careful how you use them.  If you read the rest of the work on this blog, you will see what I mean.

We all occasionally fall from grace, and leap into what I consider insanity.  That is where we make mistakes, hurt people, say things we don't like and/or mean.  We are not made of flaws.  We are created in the image of God, and he just does not make junk.  That isn't to say, the we cannot make mistakes, as we were given a freewill.  Our minds have been trained to forget who we really are, and the ego has developed.

Ego has found ways to protect us from our hurt, and this is were the insanity can creep in.  It is when we forget who we really are that we can resemble the statements in the sign.  It is when we forget that we are ALL children of God, that we can fall into mass insanity, and atrocities can occur.  If we remembered that we are ALL children of God, and created from his energy, we would realize that by harming others we are harming ourselves too.

We need to remember who we really are, and that we are the creators of the universe. If we invoke the I AM energy, we are invoking the words of creation.  I AM are the words that God used to create himself from the firmament.  They are the words that we use to create ourselves.  I am my mother's daughter, not only is this a description that I have used for myself, it is also how I define who I am and how I act in this world.  I have since realized that these definitions of myself are limiting my potential.  When I define myself as a "Chip off the God Block", I am unlimited.

Be careful when you invoke the eternal I AM, and remember who you really are.

I AM Creation
I AM Love
I AM Power
I AM that I AM, and always will be.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Manifesting and The Importance of an Remaining in the Seat of The Seer

I always thought that the law of attraction was some kind of magic; like the philosophers stone; and I can't say that I necessarily dispute this.  However, I just realized it is something much more in my control, and of course, this is not always a good thing until you realize that I do control it.  It is absolutely true that what you keep on and in your mind is what you manifest.  What is also true is that until you deal with your fears, neurosis, and general crap that arises out of our fear based psyche we will not easily manifest our desires.

Our fears will surface and we will spend time thinking about them.  We will interact with other people in ways to protect ourselves from what we fear.  We will act in ways that will almost guarantee that we will get/manifest exactly what we fear.  Fear and worry are like praying for something that we do not want.

Until we can remain in our seat as the seer, our higher self, and realize that we are not those thoughts or fears, we will also not be entirely in control of what we will manifest.  We are ever the creators; we are ever the ones in “control” of those creations; however, we are controlling things with our fear based psyche.  It isn’t until we can control from the seat as the seer that we can truly control what we manifest.

We are ever in control of what we manifest, what we don’t always have control of is the mind that does the manifesting.  This seems like a huge missing piece of that puzzle.  Why not learn the methods for unfettering you soul, and then manifestation of your hearts desires is assured.  You are operating from the seat of control, and all that will come from there will be good stuff.  It wasn't until I recently read Dr. Wayne Dyers "Wishes Fulfilled", and Mark Singers "The Untethered Soul" back to back, that I made what I consider an important breakthrough in my thinking.  I need both of these things before I will be able to control what I will manifest.  It isn't that I have NEVER had success with manifesting what I want, but I was also having success with what I didn't want; the sword had no handle and cut my hands when used.  The untehered soul is the handle to the blade of manifestation.

I AM Manifestation
I AM Calmness
I AM the seer
I AM Control
I AM the Creator
I AM that I AM

Thursday, August 2, 2012

We Think We Need Things

I thought this was interesting when I heared Marianne Williamson say it.  I even wrote it down to reflect on.  I went all the places you would image, geez we're ruining the world because we think things will make us happy.  Seems reasonable.  However, when you look at it, the world is a perfect reflection of our need for things.  We have manifest exactly what our minds have been on.  Ways to get things.  The ad world is here to help us in this manifestation.  Looky here what we have, and you really, really need this.  Why all the kewl people have one of these.  They are lined up to get them.  So our mind goes to that object, and soon it is yours. 

Let's take a look at the manifestation here.  You see what you want.  Your mind dwells on the item.  You find that the money for that item is there, and ready for you to spend.  Yes, you worked for that money, at the job you manifested by the desire to have the item and others as well.  Why that job, well it was what you were willing to do, and what you attracted by your actions.  Think about how you got your current job.  Most likely it was preparedness meeting opportunity, which is in itself a means of manifestation.  Why did that opportunity come along?  Because you were prepared, and had your mind on it.  It doesn't matter what the job is, it is what you manifest regardless of the type.  You get what you think you deserve.

Change your thoughts about what you deserve, and you will get different stuff.  Will that make you happy, not as far as I can tell.  Things don't make us happy, just as any rich person.  Many of them struggle with happiness, look a Paris Hilton as a good example.  It is a good exercise to see how she has manifest her world.

One of my favorite quotes is "Thoughts become things."  Watch what you keep your mind on.  It will manifest for you, for the better or worse.

I am bounty
I am plenty
I am graciousness
I am that I am.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Through which I am.

This speaks to being a child of God.  It emphasises the I am that I am.  Never forget that you are a chip off the ole God.  We are all the same.  We are all loved by God.  Rich, poor, good or evil, we are loved by God. 
Love is the thread that holds us all together.  When we forget that we are love, we fall and act from fear.  It is when we act from fear that we can slip into insanity.  It is when we act from insanity, that evil can happen in this world.  It is hard to be fearful, when we live a life focused in love.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Focus Now

Oh yeah, this is an experience that is so real for me.  It took me years to realize that as soon as I got a future focus, I got huge anxiety.  The reality was, that less than .01 percent of what I awfulized about ever came close to happening.  I spent tons of time worrying about things that do not happen, and failed to focus on the now, which is the only place that you can affect change.

Future focus caused such fear in me, that I was paralyzed by the overwhelming possibilities of the a situation that was only played out in my head.  None of the worst stuff EVER came to fruition, but it caused so much pain and suffering for me, that I was not able to handle what really was arising right NOW.  So the saying that Future Focus robs us of the ability to affect change is true.  We have no control of the future.  The only TIME we are in control is RIGHT NOW, right here.  Ask  yourself, "What can I do right here, right now to improve the situation that I am worrying about."  If the answer is "nothing" let it go, and stop worrying.  You may certainly come up with some action you can take in the future to fix the issue, so you resolve to do this at the next opportunity, stop the worry and get back to now.  Stay in Control, Stay in the NOW.

Well the last statement looks like a poster to me.  LOL

Friday, July 20, 2012


Creation always starts in your mind, imagining the possiblity.  Then you start looking at the mechanics of bringing what you have imagined into reality.  That is how everything in this world is created.  First is was imagined in someones mind, and then it was brought to fruition.  It speaks volumes for our creative power.  Look around you.  Touch one little object.  This is the power of creation in all of us.  The difference between you and me, is that I know this, and you are sceptical.

Control Attention

See posts on Subjective and Objective Attention.  'Nuf Said.


Event Determination

Imagine your ideal life.  Watch where you mind takes you.  If you have conceived the ideal body, maybe you see yourself running down the beach in a new bikini, or attired in the perfect little black dress.  Your attention goes to what it might be like if your wish is fulfilled.  If you maintain that attention, by engaging the eternal I AM, and presenting yourself with the necessary opportunities to renew that energy when the focus is lost, you will have no problem manifesting the desire. 

Manifesting your desires will be as easy as you find it to keep the mind focused, and how close to your values you hold the desire.  Things that basically go against your values, will be nearly impossible to manifest in your life.  However, this is a good thing, as you are not likely to spend too much time going after things that you do not value, and are against you nature.

I Am Litany

I AM Happiness
I AM Beauty
I AM Health
I AM Fitness
I AM Blessed
I AM Goodness
I AM Fulfilled
I AM that I AM


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Influencing Your Subconscious Mind

Influencing Your Subconscious Mind

I sometimes find it hard to describe how you imagination will manifest things.  However, you have to realize that before someone “invented”, made, or constructed anything, they first had to imagine what it would be, look like, and/or feel.  This process is what brings things into existence on the physical plane.  In the subconscious, your feelings are what bring all emotional attitudes into play to create your world.  When you feel something, you act in accordance with those feelings.  When you act in accord with the feelings; you manifest the conditions within your world.  How you are feeling about anything is how you will react to the situation.  You are responsible for how any situation plays out within you world, just by how you react to the feelings they cause to arise in you.  This all happens on the subconscious level in most of us.

Your subconscious normally goes on autopilot, with little thought to the process on the conscious level.  You are, however, able to program you subconscious to focus on those things that you wish to manifest in your life.  Do this by repeating the “I AM Litanies” that I defined elsewhere in the blog, meditation, and conscious refocusing of the random thoughts when they arise to the conscious level.  All of these things will train the mind to stay in the areas that are congruous with what you wish to manifest in your life.

Monday, July 9, 2012


This quote speaks specifically to renouncing evil, but is an excellent statement for manifestation.  What you resist persists.  This is one of the oldest truths that I know.  If you want to get rid of something, don't resist it, renounce it and take your mind away from it.  Replace the resistance with that which you wish to manifest.  I want to resist the temptation of sugar, so I can get skinny.  This resistance places a focus on the sugar.  What I want is to be shinny; therefore, the focus must necessarily be placed on the skinny.  I am skinny!  Give skinny for sugar.  This is easy to read and assimilate, and with practice one can give beauty for ashes.

I am that I am.
Best regards.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Perception & Imagination

I remember hearing a quote that went something like, "The only reason that some things do not exist is because no one has imagined it."  I cannot remember who said this, but I actually believe this is the creative force within all of us.  Napolean Hill put it this way, "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can acheive."  Our imagination is a powerful tool.  It is the major tool of manifestation.  Keep yours sharp, and you can manifest your desires.  Imagine, believe, know that it is yours, you are that.  Amen

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This is manifestation at its very heart.  When you believe something about yourself, and it becomes the "that is just who I am", you behave in ways that manifest the reality of this belief.  To change who you think you are, change you scripts.  Any statements that remotely resemble, "That's just they way I am", should be expunged from you vocabulary.  If that is just who you are, then that is who you are!  So who do you think you are?  I am god!  Regardless of the current outward appearance, the reality of your inner manifestation will quickly be reflected in the outward appearances.  When you know you have manifested what you desire, you act like it is already a reality.  The outside quickly catches up with the inside reality.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Objective Attention

I have had this one ready for a while, but still felt that I needed to get a better handle on just what was meant by objective attention.  When I realized that it was all the input that is external oneself, I knew exactly what it was.  When we listen to others negative input, the crap actually sounds true, and certainly will be true if we let it into our belief system.  When someone says, "You can't" generally followed by all the reasons why "THEY" couldn't; you only need to ignore their crap.  You create a deep knowing that you have already manifested what it is you want, dispite what external circumstances might look like.  The external circumstances will quickly catch up to the internal manifestation.  OH Gosh! well the reason I'm doing these things is to learn what I know; the previous sentence was my lesson for today.  I needed to dig that out of my I am, as I was somehow not hearing it mentally, so had to physically write it here for it to penetrate deeply.  I love when this happens.

Subjective Attention.

This is the subjective attention that arises from knowing that you can manifest anything that you desire.  It is using your I AM energy, and creating your desires.  No if, ands, or buts about it.  This occupies your full attention, and it crowds out any other input.  I love this quote, "I AM the Miracle-Working Presence in everything I require to have done."  My statement here is, "I AM God.  What I have sought is mine.  There is no room for doubt, or detraction from outside input.  I know it is mine, no if ands or buts about it."

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I had lived completely unconscious to how my thoughts and opinions about things totally influenced my belief about everything around me.  Of course, the lesson here is to form no assumptions about what comes your way.  Assumptions root is Assume, and we all know what assume does, "It makes and Ass our of U and me".  It governs our movements/actions, talk about the blind leading the blind.  LOL  I once heard that you should look at things like they are brand new, without putting a name to them.  I did not understand that, until I read this quote.  When we name things we limit them, and the possible range of actions due to the limits of their name.  Everything is brand new, every moment is a new moment.  Experiences that protect us from harm are important, like don't stick your hand in the fire.  But assumptions are limiting to you and your actions.  Here is a prime example of assumptions that are limiting, and what a special delight this proved to be.  Jonathan and Charlotte.  See, a good example of everyone making misjudgements.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Will Be, A Confession That You Are Not

This is my biggest trap.  I find myself in the "I will be" state of mind often.  This is a sure prescription for continuing to get what I don't want, and don't need more of.  I am healthy and wealthy and wise, is where I will stay now.  Engaging the eternal I am that is who I am.  Be still and know that I am God.

I am manifesting
I am God
I am that I am
I am Well
I am whole
I am prosperous
I am gratitude
I am generous
I am love

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ye Are Gods

I went looking for bible verses that show us that we are endowed with the Source, God, The Father's energy, and  can, like Jesus, consider ourselves the Sons/Daughters of God.  I was overwhelmed with the number of scriptures that were in the KJV, and pulled a few our here.  What I found more interesting, was the tone of these.  They all point to the same thing, which is, we are gods.

I then went to the Gnostic Gospels that are translated from Coptic and Greek, and Dead Sea Scrolls, mostly Hebrew but some Aramaic and Greek.  They were far more explicit and direct in agreeing that we are all gods, and have the power of creation as an inherent part of our being.

I enjoy searching the Internet, and this is one of my favorite pass times.  Have long believed that we are all chips off the old God, but never realized how much this is supported by the ancient teachings of most religions.  What a surprise.  I know that most "Religious" teachers would vehemently disagree with me, but I say, "it is all perspective."  Why would those who make their living brokering your way to heaven want you to realize that you have nothing to fear?  We are all headed the same place.  Think.  Be still and know that "Ye are gods."

Ye are Gods

King James Version

John 10:30-34

30I and my Father are one.

31Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

32Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?

33The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

34Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

Psalm 82:6

6I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spark of the Creator

This quote is at the root of manifestation.  As a spark of the creator, we have the same creative ability as the creator.  This gives our words power.  Whenever you say "I am" be careful what comes after those words, as they are the words of creation.  Thoughts become things.  The reason somethings do not exist is because noone has imagined the possibility of them.  Anything that can be imagined, can be created first in your thoughts, and then in reality.