Thank You for Visiting-Namaste

This is, more or less, a blog made for myself. I do not mind if you come, and comments are always welcome. Comments are not necessarily my view of things, and should not be considered, just because I choose to leave them, to be part of my belief system.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Manifesting and The Importance of an Remaining in the Seat of The Seer

I always thought that the law of attraction was some kind of magic; like the philosophers stone; and I can't say that I necessarily dispute this.  However, I just realized it is something much more in my control, and of course, this is not always a good thing until you realize that I do control it.  It is absolutely true that what you keep on and in your mind is what you manifest.  What is also true is that until you deal with your fears, neurosis, and general crap that arises out of our fear based psyche we will not easily manifest our desires.

Our fears will surface and we will spend time thinking about them.  We will interact with other people in ways to protect ourselves from what we fear.  We will act in ways that will almost guarantee that we will get/manifest exactly what we fear.  Fear and worry are like praying for something that we do not want.

Until we can remain in our seat as the seer, our higher self, and realize that we are not those thoughts or fears, we will also not be entirely in control of what we will manifest.  We are ever the creators; we are ever the ones in “control” of those creations; however, we are controlling things with our fear based psyche.  It isn’t until we can control from the seat as the seer that we can truly control what we manifest.

We are ever in control of what we manifest, what we don’t always have control of is the mind that does the manifesting.  This seems like a huge missing piece of that puzzle.  Why not learn the methods for unfettering you soul, and then manifestation of your hearts desires is assured.  You are operating from the seat of control, and all that will come from there will be good stuff.  It wasn't until I recently read Dr. Wayne Dyers "Wishes Fulfilled", and Mark Singers "The Untethered Soul" back to back, that I made what I consider an important breakthrough in my thinking.  I need both of these things before I will be able to control what I will manifest.  It isn't that I have NEVER had success with manifesting what I want, but I was also having success with what I didn't want; the sword had no handle and cut my hands when used.  The untehered soul is the handle to the blade of manifestation.

I AM Manifestation
I AM Calmness
I AM the seer
I AM Control
I AM the Creator
I AM that I AM

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