Thank You for Visiting-Namaste

This is, more or less, a blog made for myself. I do not mind if you come, and comments are always welcome. Comments are not necessarily my view of things, and should not be considered, just because I choose to leave them, to be part of my belief system.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Remember Who You Really Are!

Whoa, invoking the power of the two most powerful words of creation; I AM is like saying give me more of this.  I found this posted on Pinterest today, and was so startled to see it that I just have give myself a place to reflect on it.  You aren't your mistakes, you aren't the hurt, you aren't the flaws.  You are the son/daughter of God, in whose hands the words I AM have the power of creation.  Be careful how you use them.  If you read the rest of the work on this blog, you will see what I mean.

We all occasionally fall from grace, and leap into what I consider insanity.  That is where we make mistakes, hurt people, say things we don't like and/or mean.  We are not made of flaws.  We are created in the image of God, and he just does not make junk.  That isn't to say, the we cannot make mistakes, as we were given a freewill.  Our minds have been trained to forget who we really are, and the ego has developed.

Ego has found ways to protect us from our hurt, and this is were the insanity can creep in.  It is when we forget who we really are that we can resemble the statements in the sign.  It is when we forget that we are ALL children of God, that we can fall into mass insanity, and atrocities can occur.  If we remembered that we are ALL children of God, and created from his energy, we would realize that by harming others we are harming ourselves too.

We need to remember who we really are, and that we are the creators of the universe. If we invoke the I AM energy, we are invoking the words of creation.  I AM are the words that God used to create himself from the firmament.  They are the words that we use to create ourselves.  I am my mother's daughter, not only is this a description that I have used for myself, it is also how I define who I am and how I act in this world.  I have since realized that these definitions of myself are limiting my potential.  When I define myself as a "Chip off the God Block", I am unlimited.

Be careful when you invoke the eternal I AM, and remember who you really are.

I AM Creation
I AM Love
I AM Power
I AM that I AM, and always will be.


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